What is Rodeo Bible Camp?
Rodeo Bible Camp is a unique blend of biblical teaching and rodeo instruction geared
towards encouraging young people to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ
while improving their rodeo event skills. The camp is open to youth ages 8-18 from all
walks of life, not just country kids that were born and raised with an influence in the western/rodeo way of life. Platte Valley Rodeo Bible Camp is usually held in June.
About Our Camp
PVRBC offers Rodeo Bible Camps each year beginning the third Wednesday through Saturday of June. We offer one camp for youth ages 8 through 18 years of age. Camp is held at the Phillips County Fairgrounds. Rodeo Bible Camp is a fun-filled week of rodeo activities and games with spiritual guidance aimed at encouraging young people to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus.
We offer quality instruction in many different rodeo events: trick riding, barrel racing, pole bending, horsemanship, trail course, goat tying, breakaway roping, calf roping, team roping, steer riding, and bull riding. Horseless events include groundwork for chute doggin’ and bronc riding (if instructors are available).
No experience is necessary to attend the Platte Valley Rodeo Bible Camp; however Rodeo
Bible Camps usually attract individuals who are currently participating in rodeo activities. For those that have no experience with rodeo but have experience with your horse, this is a great chance to learn about an event that interests you.
When the camper arrives they are divided into small groups and assigned a team leader. A team leader then works with his or her group helping them to learn, understand and memorize scripture. Team leaders help campers have a deeper understanding of the message taught by the Camp Chaplin. Team leaders are also there for any camper who has a need, to give support or to just talk to if a camper is having any kind of problem or issue. Team leaders sleep in the same area of camp facilities as their assigned campers.
Chapel Time
Chapel time is an important and valuable part of camp; there just is
not enough ways to explain the talent of our Camp’s Chaplains Ronnie Moyer and Joel
Compton. Ronnie is blessed with the unique ability to present the gospel in a way that
young campers can really relate to and understanding. Ronnie has been involved with Platte Valley Rodeo Bible Camp since it was established back in 2006. Ronnie and his talented wife, Becky, are very instrumental in preparing our hearts and minds for God’s teachings. Joel brings messages to our campers through a calm and reassuring way; he uses many life application demonstrations that the campers can associate with. PVRBC has been extremely blessed by the worship teams and our chaplains.
Instruction Time
The campers receive quality instruction from their event instructors.
During the first session, each camper is evaluated on their skill level and what their goals
for the week might be. When needed the instructors to start with the basic fundamentals and
groundwork. This is time includes hard work and dedication, however, the instructors are
awesome at including some fun building skills to keep the camper from getting discouraged or “burned out”.
Chow Time
The kitchen is one of the camper’s favorites. Here at PVRBC, we are blessed to have three good home-cooked meals a day! Yes, we have three good meals a day prepared every day be the kitchen staff. Breakfast is prepared by a local church group. We also have snack time with plenty of snacks and drink to go around. One can’t say enough about the delicious meals prepared by our camp’s kitchen staff. Don’t be late or you may go without is a problem with every camper and staff always anxious for good food.
Fun, Fun, and More Fun
What is camp without games? Each event and instructor have their own form of games during instruction time. No camp would be complete without games that build on trust, faith, and leadership, in addition to Bible knowledge games. Every year we are trying to include several different games for the campers. Depending on the weather, campers should always be prepared for a cooling water fight!
One of the things we do not want to hear at camp is “I’m bored or there’s nothing to do.” We have a very active schedule for the campers. For those campers that come to Platte Valley Rodeo Bible Camp each year, we are always striving to include something new to challenge them in their Christian walk along with enhancing their rodeo performance. Campers spend time learning and deepening their knowledge about Christ, time improving their event performance, how to care for horses and livestock, and most importantly how to be better Christian cowboys and cowgirls. Family and friends are encouraged to come the last day of camp where the campers will participate in a rodeo followed by an awards ceremony.